27 Kasım 2017 Pazartesi

The Power of Making More Consulting Offers: Video


Let’s talk about offers. Far too many consultants don’t make enough offers.

Are you one of them?

Are you finding reasons to delay?

Are you allowing buyers to put you off by saying that they need more time or let’s talk in six weeks or six months or later in the year because whatever, whatever, whatever?

Are you engaging, are you challenging buyers, or are you just letting them off the hook?

Many consultants allow buyers to deal with the problems that they have far longer than should be.

If you really think about it, if you think about why maybe you’re not making enough offers, which also would translate into why you’re not getting enough or as much business as you would like, it’s because you’re not challenging buyers.

You’re letting them off the hook too easily, or you yourself are maybe scared. You have some fear. You are worried about too salesy or being too direct, so you’re not making offers to people.

But here’s the thing, and here’s what’s really important. I believe that you should see if you want to grow and have a really successful thriving consulting business, and that is that you only should make an offer, first of all, and this is what we’re talking about, you’re only making an offer when you really believe that you can help someone.

When you see that they have a problem or they want to achieve something, and then you can help them to get there in a more successful way, a more efficient way, where you can provide real value and results for them. If you can’t, then don’t make an offer, and that’s not what we’re talking about.

We’re not just saying go around making offers to people and being all promotional to the wrong people. What I’m sharing with you is the idea that when you find someone who has a problem and wants a solution and you can offer it, or someone that wants to achieve a certain goal and you can help them to get there, what I’m suggesting to you, my friend, is that it’s your responsibility to help them to do that.

Because if you just allow them to continue on with the same things or doing the same … taking the same steps, just living life the way they’ve been until this point, it means that they’re going to continue having that problem.

Or it means that if you don’t make the offer to them, if you don’t suggest, hey, would it be helpful for you to have this or that or whatever as a next step, then it means that they have to go off and find someone else that can help them. Yet, that other person may not be as skilled or as experienced as you are.

Essentially what you’re doing is you’re allowing this buyer, this perspective client to be underserved or to be served in a way that isn’t that efficient and effective for them by working with someone else. Instead, by you making an offer, you’re able to actually engage with them, start helping them, ensuring that they get the best quality service, the best quality results, and of course, that helps your business, too.

If you’re feeling oh, I don’t want to be too direct. I don’t want to be too salesy. I don’t want to come across as pushy. They told me they need a few more months and you just say yes. No. Challenge them.

You’re doing it in their best interest, not just for you. You want to ask them questions like, well, listen, I understand if you need some time to think about it, but you did just tell me this is priority number one for you or just shared with me that every week that goes by you’re leaving $25,000 on the table or your company’s going to lose a million dollars or you have this competitor coming in and they’re going to grab more market share.

Do you think it really is okay for you and for the business to wait another three months, or would it make sense to find something that we could do to start moving you forward or making progress in the right direction?

Challenge them. Engage with them in a professional way. Look for ways to serve them. Look for ways to add value, and make an offer if you can add value. Not only will it help you to grow your business significantly, but it will help your clients and they’ll appreciate you for that.

Most people know they need to do something, but they don’t do it because they’re used to not doing things. They’re used to hesitating or they’re overthinking.

But instead, if you can show them a first step that they can take that will help them to move forward, to get a result that they want or at least start to get that result, start to see some progress, they’ll really appreciate you for that. But you need to have the confidence to suggest that to them.

My suggestion here today humbly is to put on your adult shoes, even though you might not be comfortable with it. Even though you might find reasons to hesitate or there might be some fear, for whatever reason, just strap those shoes on and get out there.

Have those conversations. Find ways to add value, and make offers. Then don’t be afraid to challenge buyers when needed to really see if what they are thinking is actually the best thing for them, or if there’s another step that might be a better step that they could take that’s going to get them a result and help them see progress faster.

The Power of Making More Consulting Offers: Video is a post from: Consulting Success

from Consulting Success http://ift.tt/2hWwYkp

26 Kasım 2017 Pazar

BCG Presentations: A Baker’s Dozen

What does good look like? All thoughtful business people are curious what good presentations look like. Here are a dozen+ presentations (freely and publicly available online) from Boston Consulting Group. These BCG decks may not be in your industry, or your function, but they show a lot of rigor, creativity, and lots of logical structuring. This… Read More »

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from Consultant's Mind http://ift.tt/2k11CNO

22 Kasım 2017 Çarşamba

Visual Capitalist: Great Infographics

Consultants are very visual people, because our clients are. Executives like to seem complex ideas and data simplified, so it is easy to understand and act upon. Clients pay to see simplicity. Simplicity is difficult to do well. Infographics are fun. Honestly, this is now how management consultants typically convey data to $$ paying clients, but… Read More »

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from Consultant's Mind http://ift.tt/2jTrtHv

20 Kasım 2017 Pazartesi

What are case competitions?

Case competitions are great fun. I did 9 of them during my MBA days. It’s a chance for you to compete with students and see how good you are at ‘cracking the case’. The format differs considerably: Some competitions last 3-4 hours, while others can last a month Some are among several schools, while others… Read More »

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from Consultant's Mind http://ift.tt/2hE1M9o

Taking Greater Risks to Enjoy Greater Rewards with David Baker: Podcast #14

Consulting success will be yours when you start taking greater risks and stop reinventing the wheel with every new client that comes along.


David Baker is a consultant who has been working with marketing firms and advertising agencies since the late 1980s. He is an author, a speaker, and an adviser who helps companies make high-quality business decisions. David focuses on finances, benchmarking, performance, and positioning of firms, as well as PR, advertising, and more. Having spent the majority of his childhood living in a Mayan Indian tribe, David didn’t attend formal school until he was nearly 18 years old. It was during graduate school where he was studying theology and language that he (somewhat naively) decided that he could produce better ads than the ones he was seeing in newspapers. He began consulting peers on the side and realized that he wanted to pursue consulting as a full-time career.

Once he discovered that he had the skills he needed for success, his career took off and hasn’t stopped since. In our conversation, David shares the mistakes he made in the early days of his career, how he has achieved the perfect work-life balance, and the number one error that he wishes consultants would stop making. With over three decades of experience under his belt, he is definitely a consulting and business expert, and you won’t want to miss the insights he shares on this on this episode of the Consulting Success Podcast.

Don’t Compromise Just to Keep Feeding the Machine

For many of today’s successful consultants, taking the leap from a secure paycheck to an independent consulting business can be a very scary one. David knew all about that reality — and the potential unreliability of consulting gigs — when he first started out. He decided to take on a second full-time job to help buffer his potential risk while getting his consulting business up and running. By doing this he was guaranteed a way to still feed his family without having to deal with potential pressure from the economy to lower his consulting work. It only took him a few months, but the security that the second job offered him was priceless as he was starting out. By having an extra stream of income, David was able to only take on consulting clients that he really wanted to work with, and he didn’t have to compromise his pricing, either.

You may find yourself in a similar situation where you are considering negotiating on your pricing so that you can secure more work, but David says, don’t! There are endless opportunities for growth within the consulting field, and that growth can be used to your advantage. When business slows, you may be tempted to lower your prices or take on work from a less-than-ideal client, but that will undoubtedly lead to a constant stream of compromises.

In our conversation, David shares several tips to help you avoid making these kinds of detrimental compromises. First, you have to decide how big you want your firm to be. Don’t let the marketplace decide that for you, and don’t grow or shrink based on the marketplace either. Second, you have to size your firm in proportion to how many opportunities you regularly encounter. You should position yourself in such a way that you can routinely turn down work, and be more selective about the kind of work that you are willing to take on. This will put you in a position to make the best choices for your firm. You’ll want to listen as David explains why this approach will give you greater success over the long run.

A Successful Business Isn’t Just a Hobby

Too many entrepreneurs approach their business as a side job. While it’s true that some people are simply more success-minded than others, if you possess the number one qualities that David outlines in our conversation, you will be more successful than your peers and competitors. But first, you can determine if your business is headed toward success by truthfully examining your income levels. A successful entrepreneurial enterprise yields profit consistently, while those who find that they are constantly having cash flow problems are, in reality, the ones that are having legitimate business problems.

Taking Risks Means Securing Success

In David’s fifth and newest book The Business of Expertise: How Entrepreneurial Experts Conver Insight to Impact + Wealth, David conducted a series of surveys with over 1,000 entrepreneurs and found that they all had only one major characteristic in common — their willingness to take risks. In our conversation, we discuss the payoff that comes with taking risks as your consulting business grows.

Many consultants are afraid to make decisions, but you can’t let this happen to you. By looking at the negatives before the positives in the risks that you may encounter, you are only going to paralyze your progress. David recognizes that the only safe way to never make any mistakes is to never make any decisions, but that will hardly create a thriving consulting business. Although the potential for taking risks may compound as your company grows, so will the rewards. Your employees will surely be forgiving of the bad decisions you make, but they won’t be forgiving if you never make any decisions at all. Anytime you are faced with a decision to make — whether it be to add a partner or take on a new client — weigh your options quickly, pull the trigger, and don’t look back.

Making Mistakes Means Becoming a Better Consultant

If you’re like David, you may not remember the good choices that you’ve made nearly as well as you remember the mistakes you’ve made along the way. But don’t worry — that is a good thing. The lessons you learn from your poor choices are the ones that are going to teach you how to be a better consultant. David shares several of the mistakes that he made — some of which prompted the writing of his fourth book Managing (Right) for the First Time — and those that have allowed him to achieve the level of consulting success that he enjoys today.

Finding the Right Size Business for You

Every entrepreneur and consultant dream of achieving the right size business that also allows for perfect work-life balance. Despite years of pressure to grow larger, David resisted this pressure and instead found ways to make his one-person company work harder for him. He details the formula that he uses to grow his business, starting with his weekly content-filled email, which reaches an audience of 30,000 readers and potential clients. His decision to produce content consistently has been the biggest contributor to his company’s success. He admits that he’s not much of an extrovert or a networker, but he has still managed to find a very successful way to reach his clients that fits his personality perfectly.

Avoid These Common Mistakes to Find Greater Success

David has been in the marketing and consulting industry since the late ’80s, and he has seen consultants make plenty of mistakes along the way. The biggest mistake is watching consultants consistently solve clients problems on an individual basis. When a client approaches you with what seems to be a unique problem, you have to take a step back and recognize that this is a problem that many consultants have experienced before and that many more will face in the future. If you can find a way to solve a client’s problem on a greater scale, you can increase the demand for your expertise and also reduce your future workload. David also shares the easy fix to the second biggest problem he has seen in the consulting world, and it starts with increasing your confidence level and perfecting your positioning in your marketplace. A successful consultant doesn’t spin his wheels — he learns from his mistakes and propels himself from there to success. You can hear all about David’s tips and advice for starting out right and achieving greater success on this episode of the Consulting Success Podcast.

Key Takeaways:

[:19] Introduction of David Baker — current consultant, former Mayan Indian tribe dweller.
[6:45] Why you can’t afford to compromise your standard of work.
[10:07] Successful entrepreneurs have these key qualities in common.
[12:31] Taking risks will compound your consulting success.
[16:37] The lessons learned that allow David now to serve his clients so well.
[20:27] Finding the right sized business means resisting pressure and producing content.
[24:27] David’s earliest steps to consulting success.
[26:20] Avoid these common consulting mistakes, starting with increasing your confidence level.
[31:14] How you can connect with David Baker.

Mentioned in This Episode:

The Business of Expertise: How Entrepreneurial Experts Convert Insight to Impact + Wealth, by David Baker
Managing (Right) for the First Time, by David Baker


“The difference between a firm that thrives and one that doesn’t is the quality of their business decisions.” — David Baker


“Decide how big a firm you want to be, and don’t let the marketplace determine that for you.” — David Baker


“Too many people in business treat it like a hobby.” — Michael Zipursky


“An entrepreneurial enterprise yields profit consistently.” — David Baker


“At some point, you should just stop listening to other people.” — David Baker

Taking Greater Risks to Enjoy Greater Rewards with David Baker: Podcast #14 is a post from: Consulting Success

from Consulting Success http://ift.tt/2zkKJ7z

19 Kasım 2017 Pazar

Jargon: Wall of Worry

The S&P index is up 16%+ year-to-date. A good thing right? One fund manager recently commented that investors have never been so grumpy, while making great returns. This is the “Wall of Worry” – so many things to worry about, which oddly, have not affected the markets’ willingness to go higher. Yes, people are getting richer,… Read More »

The post Jargon: Wall of Worry appeared first on Consultant's Mind.

from Consultant's Mind http://ift.tt/2jDfLQR

13 Kasım 2017 Pazartesi

How to Guide an Effective Conversation with Buyers: Video


I was recently at an event with a bunch of clients, and we were talking about the importance of having control, guiding a conversation when you’re speaking with a buyer.

This is an area that a lot of consultants have a challenge with. They are concerned about being too direct or coming across as rude or pushy or sales-y.

And yet, an example that one of our clients, Mike G., gave which really resonated and so I thought I would share it with you and just kind of talk about this a little bit because I know it can affect so many people.

The example that Mike gave was imagine that you are hiring someone for your company. So you are going to conduct the interview. Now, when you’re conducting that interview, do you let the employee just run wild and guide the conversation or prospective employee?

Or, are you the one that asks certain questions that are important to get answers to? And are you guiding that conversation? Well of course you are. And why are you doing that? Because you’re coming from a place of authority. You are the expert deciding on whether or not this person, this prospective employee would be a good fit for your organization.

Don’t be shy to guide the conversation to take the lead, to come in there with your authority and expertise at the front because that’s what you’re doing. You’re an expert.

Well having a conversation with a buyer or prospective buyer isn’t that different, right? You are a peer to them. You are an expert and an authority, and so your role in that conversation is to ask a lot of questions to better understand what they’re going through to identify what they value, what their challenges are, what the potential opportunity is for a solution and what that would mean for their business.

And so you’re going to have a whole bunch of different questions that are important for you to ask so that you can then determine and qualify, “Is this an actual [inaudible 00:01:58] client? Is this somebody that I can really serve and help and make a meaningful change or impact for?”

So, if you’re not asking those questions, if you’re being too hesitant and you’re letting the buyer really kind of run the interview or the conversation, you’re not going to get the information that you need. You’re going to leave that meeting wondering, “Okay. I have a sense here, but it actually … .” Like as you think about it, there’ll be a whole bunch of other questions and information that you still will lack because you didn’t go in there and guide and run the conversation, asking the questions that are important for you to ask.

So I want to share that as a reminder to you that when you’re speaking with a prospective buyer and client, that you know … that you should know … what questions are important to get answers to. Don’t be shy to ask those questions.

Don’t be shy to guide the conversation to take the lead, to come in there with your authority and expertise at the front because that’s what you’re doing. You’re an expert.

If you’re not an expert, if you’re not an authority, if you don’t really have value that you can deliver, if you can’t help the person to achieve the outcome that they’re looking for, then there’s no point in having that conversation. You can end that conversation quite quickly.

But if you really can add value, then it’s important. It’s imperative that you do ask those questions and don’t be afraid of being sales-y. Buyers will appreciate that you are guiding the conversation, that you are leading them, because that’s what they need. Right?

They’re looking for help. They’re looking to have a change, to solve a problem or to reach a specific result that is important for them. And so if you can help them to achieve that, they’re going to appreciate you taking the lead and guiding the conversation. So don’t be shy. It can really benefit you.

How to Guide an Effective Conversation with Buyers: Video is a post from: Consulting Success

from Consulting Success http://ift.tt/2zE1ABj

8 Kasım 2017 Çarşamba

US gun violence: Yes, we have a problem

I wrote this blog post almost 5 years ago after the Sandy Hook mass shooting of school children. Remember that? Horror. Additional comments in red color, but the sad fact remains that America has the same senseless gun violence as it had then. Just in the last month, shooting in Las Vegas and shooting at… Read More »

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from Consultant's Mind http://ift.tt/2hUjfLj

6 Kasım 2017 Pazartesi

How Nicholas Kusmich Leaped from a $30,000 Salary to a $2 Million Income Via Facebook: Podcast #13

Set yourself apart from the pack, protect your success, and pick clients you want to work with, all with the advice of Facebook ads expert Nicholas Kusmich.


Nicholas started out as a pastor who was committed to not relying on his congregation for his salary. That commitment required a side hustle of some sort, which is when Nicholas turned to the internet marketing world. When he started using Facebook as a major advertising platform for his work, he quickly became one of the most recognized agencies/consulting businesses in the market. But that was just the beginning. You won’t want to miss the story of the million-dollar road that this side hustle has taken Nicholas down, on this episode of the Consulting Success Podcast.

Don’t Be Just Another Generic Consultant — It’s Time to Specialize

One of the greatest keys to consulting success that I constantly emphasize is the absolute importance of specializing. It isn’t enough to simply tell people that are you are a consultant for any industry — you have to find your niche and make it work for you. Nicholas learned early in his career that “everyone and their mother” was a generic digital marketing consultant. It just wasn’t enough for him to follow that same overly worn path — and it won’t be enough for you, either. You have to pinpoint what exactly you are going to specialize in and confidently move forward from there.

This can seem like a daunting task, and you may assume that everyone has the same skills as you. But you can’t let those thoughts overwhelm you. With a bit of research and perhaps some luck, you may discover that you already have in your possession a specialized skill that is just waiting to be exposed. Discovering this skill set and exploiting it in your favor is what will set you apart as an expert in your industry.

For Nicholas that opportunity came at a convention in 2014, where he discovered that he already had a skill that could lend itself well in the marketplace. He knew exactly how to make a profit from Facebook ads, while everyone around him was struggling to figure out what he already knew. By recognizing this, Nicholas carved out a niche for himself, which set him apart from his competition and dramatically increased the demand for his skills. By focusing solely on his niche, Nicholas elevated through the ranks and brought his company to where it is today. As you listen to the story he shares of how he found success, you’ll see how the same approach to specializing can work for you too.

Discover Your Niche by Doing Two Simple Things

At times it may seem that you are one of dozens of consultants offering the same skills to an over saturated market. Nicholas has two tips to help pinpoint your area of specialization.

First, recognize an underserved segment of your marketplace. If you are a consultant that is often “scratching an itch,” meaning that you’ve already figured out what needs are present, chances are you are also already looking for a solution. Once you know who you need to target, the next step will come easily.

Second, target an affluent segment of your target market. You will find greater success if you can identify the thriving companies that are in need of your specialty. By seeking out these companies you will create for yourself a greater opportunity for success within the underserved segment of your marketplace.

Your Network Will Always Work for You

The greatest way to find this kind of success is to keep your finger on the pulse of your industry. By tapping into your already existing network, you’ll be able to easily recognize an under served market. Within your network, there are needs that are waiting to be filled, and you can discover what these needs are in a variety of ways. Compile a list of the best and worst consultants your clients have ever worked with. Poll people within your network to gather opinions on their experiences, good or bad, to figure out what needs they still have that are waiting to be met. Look for commonalities between favorite clients, whether it be the particular business, size of a client’s business, or the products they offer. Look at clients that have been the worst to work with and take note of what common characteristics they have. Each of these steps will help you to zero in on your new niche.

Even after you have taken these steps, you may still find that your market is saturated with overgeneralized specialists. But there is still a way that you can position yourself so that it sets you apart from your competitors. Just as Nicholas shifted his expertise from general marketing consultant to Facebook strategist, you can find a way to stand out in your crowd. Be sure to listen to the additional tips that Nicholas shares to find a way to position yourself so that people see you as the only person who does what you do.

Separate Yourself From the Pack

Your business will thrive if you can find a way to set yourself apart from the crowd. You know that there is no replacement for the quality of your work. As you create value for your clients, your work will speak for itself. Once you have those results, you have to position yourself so that what you do appears to be very different from what everyone else is doing.

Nicholas shares the angle that he took to position himself as the Facebook ads expert. Rather than focusing on tactics like everyone else around him, he set his focus on strategy. He shares the three steps that successful companies take to set themselves apart in their marketplace — the positioning, the promise, and the big idea. He shares the inspiring story of P90X — the way they have used this approach to become the leader in the fitness industry is the same technique you can use to set yourself apart as well.

As a successful consultant, it is essential that you know what your promise is in the marketplace, that you know what your position is in the marketplace, and what your big idea is in the marketplace that has set you apart as the true expert. It worked for Nicholas, and it will work for you, too. All of the details on how to make it happen for you are in this inspiring episode of the Consulting Success Podcast.

Success Isn’t Just a Dollar Sign

When you are first starting out, the highest possible dollar amount may be the milestone of success that you are working toward. However, as your business continues to grow, if you keep working toward dollar signs only, you are going to find yourself working for your business, instead of making your business to work for your lifestyle. Chances are that isn’t why you decided to become a consultant in the first place. At some point, whether it be by reaching a salary goal, obtaining expensive possessions, or even the birth of a child, your measure of true success will shift. Then you will have to protect your success by the choices that you make.

Nicholas shares the measures he has taken to protect his success and optimize his business so that it best aligned with his personal values — and he calls this process “netting up.” For Nicholas, this means a few things. First, it means clearly identifying and only working with clients that he truly enjoys working with. Earning a big paycheck isn’t the only criteria for working with a client anymore — now you can ask yourself if you actually want to spend time with each client that comes along.

Second, increasing your prices is a well-earned mark of success. As you achieve higher levels of success, you will have the luxury of tailoring your prices to ensure that you’re working only with the quality of clients you want to work with. You may reduce your number of clients but as a reward, you are also increasing the quality of each business transaction.

Third, netting up means keeping your staff at a manageable size. This may mean letting people go, but it also means identifying key responsibilities and roles in your business. Rather than supporting full-time employees, you can utilize contractors to fill those gaps and reduce the number of staff that you are responsible for managing.

Fourth, protect your success by putting standard operating procedures in place and making them work for you. If there are ways that you can automate, optimize, or delegate the work that your business requires, take the time to make it happen.

Fifth, make intentional and clear decisions about your boundaries. When are you willing to do extra work? Or answer the phone on a Friday afternoon at 4:30? Or come in over the weekend? By setting boundaries, you can lift the burden of your work and protect your success.

Enjoying this kind of success may sound too good to be true, but if you implement the ideas that Nicholas has shared here, you will soon be enjoying this same level of consulting success as he is.

What are the Pricing Models that Work?

Every consultant struggles to correctly price work. For Nicholas, pricing models have evolved over time for both agency pricing and consulting pricing. In our conversation he shares specific dollar amounts that he currently charges, and why the numbers are all at least five digits. You’ll definitely want to listen to this segment of the episode to hear the details on dollar amounts, where he started, and how he decided to switch to a percentage-of-revenue pricing model.

One key point that Nicholas shares in our money talk is that you don’t have to spend more time on projects in order to charge more money. By strategically optimizing your company’s approach to fees and providing your clients with valuable results, you will be able to significantly increase your company’s revenue. “We’re not raising fees arbitrarily,” Nicholas says of their pricing model. “We’re creating a win-win scenario that makes sense for everyone involved.” Both you and your client will benefit when you charge higher fees, and Nicholas explains multiple reasons why that is, starting with accountability. Be sure to listen to this episode of the Consulting Success Podcast to hear even more reasons why you can feel about confident charging your clients higher fees than you currently are.

Finding Clients that Fit

As you achieve greater consulting success, you will have the option of selecting which clients you want to work with. But how? Performing a marketing audit is the first critical step to determining whether or not a company will make a good fit as your next client. When considering each potential project, it is essential to examine the following — what kind of processes are already in place? What are the company numbers behind the work? Is the company in a place where they can implement your ideas to make changes for their business? If you get the answers you are looking for, then you’ve found your next client. If not, it’s time to move on to the next opportunity, no matter how big the paycheck you’re leaving behind. In the long run, your company will benefit more by only securing the kind of work that is a perfect fit for you.

Every Credible Person is the Author of a Book

Nicholas wrote Give: The Ultimate Guide to Using Facebook Advertising to Generate More Leads, More Clients, and Massive ROI after someone told him that every credible person is the author of a book. He took that advice to heart, and the impact of that decision on his business has been incredible — even though he likens writing a book to passing a kidney stone. You can get a free copy of his book at giveinfo.com. If you’re considering writing a book, you’ll want to hear what the process was like for him, and how it has benefitted his company so far.

Key Takeaways:

[:24] From pastor side hustle to full time consultant, Nicholas shares his path to consulting success.
[4:57] Why focus solely on Facebook ads?
[7:17] Finding your niche starts with pinpointing an underserved market.
[13:10] Separate yourself from the pack by focusing on this.
[20:53] What does success mean to Nicholas Kusmich?
[24:34] Steps for protecting your success.
[29:39] Pricing models that work.
[33:20] Screening companies for the best fit.
[35:52] The impact of authoring Give.
[39:10] How you can connect with NIcholas Kusmich.

Mentioned in This Episode:

Nicholas Kusmich
Blue Ocean Strategy: How to Create Uncontested Market Space and Make Competition Irrelevant, by W. Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne
Give: The Ultimate Guide to Using Facebook Advertising to Generate More Leads, More Clients, and Massive ROI by Nicholas Kusmich


“I made an intentional decision to capitalize on a recognized opportunity.” — Nicholas Kusmich


“Position what you do in a way that it is unique from all of your competitors.” — Nicholas Kusmich


“I built a business to revolve around my lifestyle, not a lifestyle to revolve around my business.” — Nicholas Kusmich


“Someone told me every credible person is an author of a book, and it seemed reasonable to me.” — Nicholas Kusmich

How Nicholas Kusmich Leaped from a $30,000 Salary to a $2 Million Income Via Facebook: Podcast #13 is a post from: Consulting Success

from Consulting Success http://ift.tt/2y6HUSF

5 Kasım 2017 Pazar

What is post-merger integration?

This 21 letter hyphenated-phrase generates $billions of management consulting work. With M&A booming the last few years, it’s no surprise that companies need lots of post-deal support. Whether a company hire outsiders to help or not, post-merger integration (PMI) is needed with every part of the business. Yes, every part – sales, marketing, finance, IT, HR, manufacturing… Read More »

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from Consultant's Mind http://ift.tt/2ix5OQJ

1 Kasım 2017 Çarşamba

Michael’s New Book: The Elite Consulting Mind

Michael’s new book, The Elite Consulting Mind, has just been published.

It’s available at a significant discount on Amazon in paperback and Kindle here: GET THE BOOK

Michael explains why he wrote the book and what it’s all about…

Get the Book (Discounted Price)

Whether you’re just getting into consulting or you’re a seasoned consulting veteran but aren’t experiencing the level of success and results you truly desire, this book offers you the advantage you need.

Michael Zipursky, CEO of ConsultingSuccess.com and coach to elite consultants, has coached and trained more than 6000 consultants from around the world. In this book, Michael identifies the most significant factor in your success: your mindset.

He shares with you the principles used by elite consultants that will help you overcome challenges, remove obstacles, and grow your business significantly, including:

  • How to build confidence by confronting the four major questions of self-doubt.
  • 3 specific steps you can take to attract ideal clients consistently.
  • Simple shifts you can make to increase your fees by 300% or more.
  • The best business model for consultants to achieve meaningful success.
  • Practical ways to turn failure into a growth opportunity and use worry to your advantage.
  • And so much more.

By applying these proven mindset shifts and the principles that Michael shares with you in The Elite Consulting Mind, you can achieve meaningful, even limitless, success in your consulting business.

You can get the book at a significant discount on Amazon here: GET THE BOOK

Michael’s New Book: The Elite Consulting Mind is a post from: Consulting Success

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